About Zone School

The Zone School of Healing teaches the Zone Technique, a healing method created by Dr. Peter Goldman. It is based on many of his influences and experiences. One of his major influences were the teachings of Dr. Thurman Fleet who created Zone Therapy in 1931 in San Antonio, Texas. After learning Zone Therapy in 1993 and refining it over the next two decades, Dr. Peter Goldman created The Zone Technique.
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Hatha Yoga

A Complete Manual of the Great Yogi System of Physical Weil-Being Health Strength and Vigor. It Preaches a Sane, Normal, Simple Theory of Physical Health, and tells how to put the theory into practice. It teaches that the Body is the Temple of the Soul, and should be kept clean and in good order. Its keynote is the healthy Man and Woman. Its purpose, the instruction and mankind to conform to the standard of that healthy man or woman.

The Science Of Psychic Healing

A sequel to Hatha Yoga. Contents: natural laws of the body; instinctive mind; mind in cells and cell communities; 3 forms of psychic healing; principles and practice of pranic healing; pranic breathing and treatments; auto pranic treatments; thought force healing; suggestive healing; practice of suggestive healing; suggestive treatments; self suggestion; mental healing and methods; metaphysical healing; spiritual healing and its practice.

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Dr Peter Goldman Logo

Book of Ki: Co-Ordinating Mind and Body in Daily Life

A Complete Manual of the Great Oriental Yogi System of Physical Weil-Being Health Strength and Vigor. It Preaches a Sane, Normal, Simple Theory of Physical Health, and tells how to put the theory into practice. It teaches that the Body is the Temple of the Soul, and should be kept clean and in good order. Its keynote is the healthy Man and Woman. Its purpose, the instruction and mankind to conform to the standard of that healthy man or woman. The author gives detailed and concrete examples of how to apply the principles of ki to our daily lives. The author wishes that not only those who are in positions of leadership but also those who have physical or spiritual problems, or who do not fully realize their own abilities and strength, will learn the full meaning of ki.

I Am That

This collection of the timeless teachings of one of the greatest sages of India, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, is a testament to the uniqueness of the seer’s life and work and is regarded by many as a modern spiritual classic .I Am That preserves his dialogs with the followers who came from around the world seeking guidance in destroying false identities. The sage’s sole concern was with the human suffering and the ending of suffering. It was his mission to guide the individual to an understanding of his true nature and the timelessness of being. He taught that the mind must recognize and penetrate its own state of being–not “being this or that, here or there, then or now,” but just timeless being.
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